понедельник, 12 сентября 2011 г.

New Prostate Cancer Technology Saving Lives

JM, a 71 year old business
executive from Tennessee, had a negative biopsy using gray scale ultrasound
despite a PSA of 7.1. The following year, the PSA rose to 11.5 prompting a
second biopsy that was negative despite adding Color Flow Doppler
Ultrasound. At this point, the patient and all doctors in attendance were
frustrated without a clear path to identify a disease process that was
begging to be discovered. JM came to the Diagnostic Center for Disease in
Sarasota, Florida, as he had heard about an exciting new scan offered that
promised to solve his personal dilemma while erasing his fear of the

Presently, a new case of Prostate cancer is diagnosed every 3 minutes
while 90 men die from prostate cancer every day. Prostate Biopsy, the "gold
standard" for finding cancer of the prostate is associated with trauma,
infection, bleeding and sampling bias. National statistics show that 10 men
must undergo an ultrasound and biopsy to find 2-3 cancers. Translated
another way, 7-8 men must undergo a procedure that is unnecessary as
documented by a negative biopsy. Moreover, it is well known that a biopsy
of the prostate is associated with the possibility that cancer cells, if
encountered, may be carried outside of the prostate capsule through a
phenomenon called, "needle tracking". Data from Pathologists show that this
phenomenon is real. The problem is compounded when it is realized that
prostate cancer is not just a disease of older men as originally thought
but rather a disease of young men as well. In fact, data from the Detroit
Autopsy Study and Memorial Sloan- Kettering shows 30% of 30 year old men
have prostate cancer.

Given the inability to diagnose prostate cancer using the traditional
system, our attention has turned to imaging to determine the presence or
absence of prostate cancer. Currently data, primarily from Europe, suggests
that prostate cancer detection with MRI-Spectroscopy (MRI-S) has a
sensitivity and specificity in the range of 89-92%. In fact, Peter
Scardino, M.D., Chairman of the Departments of Urology and Surgery at
Memorial Sloan-Kettering has called MRI-S with the 3.0 Tesla magnet, "the
next greatest diagnostic tool for prostate cancer detection". The
Diagnostic Center for Disease, led by Urologist, Ronald E. Wheeler, M.D.,
is using this new imaging technology to assist in finding prostate cancer
in patients like JM where traditional biopsies continue to miss the lesion.
MRI-S evaluates the integrity of prostate tissue through spatial resolution
as well as the biochemical makeup of cells through a spectral analysis.
Together, this technology establishes a "finger-print" of disease when the
PSA is elevated. Once a lesion is identified, a series of targeted biopsies
can be performed, as we localize the disease in question.

Using a parametric approach, the center is utilizing all sequences of
the 3.0 T MRI-S scan including Dynamic Contrast Enhancement with
traditional prostate cancer diagnostic detection markers such as Color Flow
Doppler Ultrasound, PSA & DRE to establish a clear picture of the disease
process present. Interestingly, this technology often times allows
physicians to alter their treatment course when cancer has escaped the
prostate capsule. Furthermore, preliminary data from the Diagnostic Center
for Disease shows that the use of MRI-S coupled with DRE, PSA and
Ultrasound data provides a 75% yield in diagnosing prostate cancer compared
to the traditional 20-30% yield while using blind or random biopsies. Dr.
Wheeler's mission is to provide a comprehensive approach to Prostate
Disease detection that while reproducible, is more patient friendly,
allowing Urologists to improve their diagnostic skills, thereby improving
their patient treatment outcomes.

While using the MRI-S scan as a "road map", JM needed only 5 targeted
biopsies to find the elusive cancer while preventing "needle tracking".
Subsequent pathology showed a Gleason Score of 7 (3+4). According to Dr.
Wheeler, "while many options of treatment remain for JM, he can at least
sleep better knowing the hidden disease that was chasing him had been

Diagnostic Center for Disease


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